Customized solutions - How we contribute to rethinking

With our services in the fields of strategy, innovation and mindset, we accelerate the transformation to a circular economy along five levels of sustainability maturity (see service portfolio). After all, “the companies that will be valuable in the future will be those that reduce global overload as they grow (Mathis Wackernagel, Global Footprint Network, 2023).” Our goal is the sustainably profitable growth of these “circular companies.”​

Resiliency strategy

The global climate targets cannot be achieved without the contribution of business and society. Future-proof organizations stimulate innovation through ambitious ecological goals and bring them into balance with social and economic goals.

Our services:


Breakthrough innovation

​Without new innovations in the area of sustainability, we will not be able to avert the ecological, social and economic risks. Courageous entrepreneurs are tackling the challenges creatively with disruptive circular and behavior-oriented approaches.

Our services:   

Circular growth mindset

Changing attitudes towards sustainability is a fundamental part of the transformation. Far-sighted corporate leaders make sustainability a top priority and redesign the product portfolio, organization and processes.

Our services:   

Sustainability maturity levels - How organizations develop

No matter what level of sustainability maturity your organization is at, we will help you reach the next level of maturity with our services.
With each level of maturity you reach, you reduce your business risks and costs and increase your company value and impact on the environment and society in a positive sense.


The organization is characterized by a circular and environmentally positive approach.


The organization pursues a proactive and transformative approach to the circular economy.


The organization acts in the interests of all stakeholders and develops sustainable business models.


The organization addresses sustainability primarily through compliance with regulations.


The organization hardly invests any resources in sustainability activities to date.

Sustainable impact - How we contribute to a circular economy

Our customized solutions enable companies to achieve the following effects, for example:

Increase in sales:
A good 15% more sales for brands
perceived as sustainable

Opportunity to change entire industries
and 1st mover advantages

Up to 0% harmful emissions, hazardous waste, inequalities, etc.

Cost savings:
In some cases, considerably
lower energy, material and disposal costs

Increased functionality, reliability, repairability and durability

Up to 30% faster
product launch

Employee motivation:
employer attractiveness

Future proof:
Resilient product, process and organizational structures

Improved physical and psychological
safety in the workplace

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